ArchiverFS – Know How to Get the Most Out of It


MLtek comes across as the most effective and trusted company as far as software solutions are concerned. It is particularly known to excel in the area of for various problems faced by many companies at a range of levels. It provides for the much needed support and assistance for various issues and problems that one gets to face with absolute ease. It is known to focus towards creating software that solves great level of issues in a much simple way. It has introduced various attractive range of products so far and this include that of ArchiverFS which happens to be quite popular when compared to other products. It comes with quite a simple and interesting interface with good backing to go along with. It focuses mainly on its characteristic of offering best and reliable archiving solutions and does not involve in offering any fake document management system. 


ArchiverFS software has been widely used in a huge range of organizations worldwide that are quite popular and prominent. It comes across as an exclusive one amongst file archiving solutions for that of network file storage and Windows file servers, SMB shares and others. In comparison to other such software, the archiving solution just uses normal NTFS files and folders from the start to the finish. 

The best interesting thing about the MLtek ArchiverFS software is that it presents for the best and most reliable kind of archiving solution for one and all. It focuses just on the main service and does not act as any type of document management system. It makes sure to provide good service in archiving which is to keep old and out of date unstructured files in an ideal and dependable manner. It provides for outstanding and consistent solutions for almost all types and kinds of business, be it small, medium or large. 

Compatible with all DFS versions

One should understand that ArchiverFS is 100% compatible with all the possible versions of DFS. ArchiverFS works on the file level and does not make use of any client side software or other kinds of low level file system drives which make it best and reliable of the lot. It does not bring in needless files, operations and other software into play and works perfectly well in every way possible. It is also known to put together seamlessly with all other Windows features which also comprise that of DFS. It is top compatible with Windows and uses only its native functionalities. 

ArchiverFS is based upon UNC paths to start with. One needs to know how ArchiverFS works using UNC path when setting up archiving jobs to target a DFS share. It is clear that the live locations are added to a job through their UNC path and also archive destinations are added to a job through UNC paths. When shortcuts of any kind are shaped, they go on to point migrated files through the UNC path. ArchiverFS is used on DFS support based file system through that of the domain based path and not the local server based path. In case, one use a local server path in a DFS setup with the hold up of multiple real servers that supports a domain based DFS root, then the files will be recorded while migrating as having been moved from the exact single server and not that of the DFS root path. This would lead to a lot of unnecessary actions and changes. 

Replication of files

For one to make use of multi-server DFS based file system one should be using the replication aspect. In such instance, one would be servicing more than a single geographical location with that of the actual infrastructure. 

Based on the settings that you have selected, when you run the first job, one may end up archiving a key portion of the file system. In such case, one should know that DFS may have the data to duplicate. There are a number of recommendations that are made when running the first archive job on that of a DFS based file system. You need to first understand as to how to make use of the whole system to gain the most out of it. There are plenty of options and ways to choose and go for.

Get to know about the DFS based functioning well

As far as various locations to service and access are provided to that of single DFS root then it is duplicated to all other locations as well. In such case, one needs to regard as archiving to a DFS root and replication to all of the sites. One should understand that it would greatly require that of second level or line of storage which needs to be available at all locations. In such scenarios, the users can access migrated files through that of stubs and links their request that is served through that of the local network and not over that of the WAN. Based upon the speed of the WAN connection and also the size of the file involved, this can very well speed up the process of retrieval to a huge extent. 

DFS and ArchiverFS compatibility comes across as a vast kind of benefits as it is known to simplify a lot of processes and procedures and makes the whole process a lot more attractive to handle on the whole. ArchiverFS happens to be the best and premium range of software that is widely used by many businesses across the world. It is definitely one of the best platforms with good support and also offers for a more simplified form of support and service overall. 

Mltek is definitely the most trusted name when it comes to storage solutions and the most interesting thing is that it offers ultimate support to small, medium and large scale businesses at one go. To know more about the service and products it offers, you can very well checkout the product page. It is known to offer best quality services and that too at considerably reasonable rates, to know more you can check out the pricing information page.